On May 18, 2022, C-U Kiwanis celebrated 100 years of serving the children of our community at a centennial gala dinner. Cornerstone to this event was the celebration of a $25,000 donation for the Champaign Park District’s Martens Center. In this photo, Webber & Thies Shareholder and C-U Kiwanis President, John Thies, is pictured with Champaign Mayor Deb Feinen and Champaign Park District Executive Director Joe DeLuce. The Martens Center will be a state-of-the-art, multi-purpose facility providing opportunities to meet, play, exercise and learn.

Also pictured with John Thies are Kiwanis Illinois—Eastern Iowa District Governor Angela Burford and C-U Kiwanis past president, Doug Fink.

John Thies joins Kiwanis Illinois—Eastern Iowa District Governor Angela Burford in greeting members of the University of Illinois Circle K Club along with C-U Kiwanis member and Circle K alum Caitlin Pouk (far left).