Webber & Thies Is Open

Mar 23, 2020 | News

During the extraordinary times following from the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the lawyers and staff of Webber & Thies, P.C. want our clients and friends to know that we remain open and available to meet the wide-range of client legal needs.

Of course, we all care most about the health and safety of our loved ones. This will continue to drive our focus, as we are sure is the case with each of you.

Fortunately, the firm is well-positioned for our team to work remotely, and most of us are doing this (with the capability of accessing all necessary files and other resources). To the extent face-to-face interactions are required (for example, with document signings), we will follow the Governor’s Covid-19 Executive Order No. 8 and other applicable guidelines. In any case, we do not anticipate any interruptions in providing client service.

Please continue to contact us through the usual means of communication. For those interested in speaking to us via video conference, we are capable of doing so via Zoom, Skype or other platforms.

These are unprecedented times. But one thing that hasn’t changed is our desire and capacity to provide the high quality legal services that our clients have grown to expect.

Stay safe and healthy!

David Thies (dthies@webberthies.com)
John Thies (jthies@webberthies.com)

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