John Thies Appointed to Illinois Supreme Court Task Force Sub-Committee Concerning Judicial Redistricting

Jul 8, 2021 | News

Shareholder John Thies has been appointed to the Illinois Supreme Court’s Judicial Redistricting Task Force Subcommittee for the Private Bar, Legal Aid, and Self-Represented Litigants. This subcommittee will focus on the impact on these stakeholders of the recent legislative redistricting plan signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker on June 4, 2021. The Court has asked the subcommittee to identify any needs or issues that must be addressed, tasking it with outlining a plan for any educational efforts or administrative modifications that should be made. The subcommittee will be chaired by Dennis J. Orsey of Granite City, who like Thies, is a past president of the Illinois State Bar Association. Thies is also a past president of Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, whose service area roughly covers the southern 2/3rds of Illinois.

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